European Green Belt Project: “Mitigation of negative impacts of mass tourism to ecosystems along Green Belt in Lithuania”.
The goal of this project is to reduce the damage caused by mass tourism to the ecosystems of the European Green Belt in Lithuania. The main objectives are to promote sustainable tourism development, strengthen environmental education, and raise awareness among local communities about the natural and cultural value of this area.
Project Objectives:
- Educate tourism organizers about the impact of mass tourism and sustainable solutions.
- Train students—future tourism professionals—on ecotourism principles and sustainable practices.
- Introduce schoolchildren to sustainable behavior in nature, fostering a new generation of responsible travelers.
- Develop ecotourism routes that encourage responsible travel and minimize environmental impact.
Planned Activities:
- Three seminars on mitigating the impact of mass tourism, aimed at tourism organizers and service providers.
- Three seminars on ecotourism route development and management for students at Klaipėda University.
- One educational field trip for schoolchildren to learn about the European Green Belt ecosystems and responsible behavior in nature.
- Three publicly accessible ecotourism routes will be created and published online and on social media to promote sustainable tourism opportunities.
Project Implementation Area:
The European Green Belt in Lithuania: Nida, Šilutė District, Klaipėda City and District, Palanga.
Project Duration:
- Start Date: February 1, 2025
- End Date: January 31, 2026
Budget: the project has been allocated €39,802.88 for implementation.
This project is implemented with thefinancial support from the BESTbelt project of the European Union. The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of Lithuanian countryside toursm association and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.