Each section is considered to be a separate, independent route. The guide and website recommends starting and end points for each specific section. By combining sections, you can complete multiple sections as one route.
The Forest Trail can be started from any physically available location and it can be hiked in both ways (there are markers in both directions).
Depending on your interests and possibilities, some sections can be covered by public transport rather than on foot. You can also make a deal with the owners of accommodation places to arrange personal and luggage transport.
You can get printable descriptions of the route for each day and download the GPX files at baltictrails.eu/forest.
There are specific markers on trees and other objects along the route to help you get your bearings in nature and not lose track of the road. In populated areas, the Forest Trail is marked by stickers on road signs and other objects.
Significant tourist sites along the Forest Trail are marked by information boards.
In wooded areas, the Forest Trail leads along small forest or rural roads and trails, where possible. In order for the Forest Trail to exist as one, uninterrupted route, in some parts it runs along the side of asphalt roads. In cities and settlement areas, the Forest Trail leads along pedestrian sidewalks or the side of the street.
Information about each section is provided separately.