LTPL00079 Cross-border tourism capsule - creation and promotion of Polish-Lithuanian tourist route E-11 using innovative solutions (Tourism capsule)
The aim of the project - to increase number of visitors to the Program area through developing and promoting a joint cross-border nature long distance hiking trail crossing the Program area and by using innovative solutions.
Projects specific objectives are:
1) to create attractive tourism environment in the remote areas of Podlaskie Voivodeship, Kaunas and Alytus regions, by developing common long distance hiking trail, crossing Lithuania and Poland;
2) to promote common Lithuanian-Polish long distance hiking trail towards target groups:
a. specialized tourist profiles – long distance hikers and their associations,
b. general interest tourists - using one-two-three days’ sections of a trail,
c. specialized tour operators and travel agents.
The project pursues a unique approach of creating a cross-border tourism product - long-distance hiking route, and promoting it by using innovative and never before used solution - Cross-border tourism capsule (mobile information-education center).
Lead partner: Kauno regiono plėtros agentūra (LT)
Project partners
Lietuvos kaimo turizmo asociacija (LT)
Podlaskie regioninė turizmo organizacija (PL)
Project implementation period is 01.03.2024 – 28.02.2026.
The total budget of the project is 743.285,25 EUR, the EU part is 594.628,20 EUR.
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this information are the sole responsibility of Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.