
Homestead "Angelų malūnas"

Kūlio Daubos k., Luokės sen., Telšių r.
    • Kovas
    • 2025
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Partially reserved
LCTA assessment
Homestead comfort level
It marks the qualification (comfort) categories of rural tourism homesteads. They are provided by the Association Council to their members providing rural recreation and rural tourism services, taking into account the level of  farmstead installation and provision of rural recreation services. All the homesteads of the members of the Association are divided into 5 categories, giving them one-, two-, three-, four- and five-stork signs. These categories of comfort are determined according to the classification requirements approved by the Association Council.
From 1000 €
The whole homestead
Study Leisure
Active leisure
Quiet rest
Relax with the family
Culinary heritage
Nature-friendly farmstead
Wellness Homestead
Family holidays
Business events
Fun at the farmstead
Educational trail
Volleyball court
We organize sightseeing tours 
Possibility to fish in natural water bodies
Possibility to fish in stocked water bodies
Possibility to purchase farmed products
Possibility to pick mushrooms
Electric boat
Homestead Advantages
Separate room for seminars
Tent place
Smoke house
Footbridge to the water body
Suitable place for bathing
Wireless Internet
Catering service
Lithuanian sauna
Bather services
Traditional crafts shown in a homestead
Area lighting
No smoking inside
Hosts speak
Guests are welcome
all the year round
Hosts live not in the farmstead but arrive on demand 
The homestead was found in 2010 m.
Became a member of LCTA: 2012 m.
Places for tents
Car parking places/ caravans
Sleeping places
To 40
Seating capacity in the building
Homestead by
20 m
to the lake
1 m
to the river
4 m
to the pond
12 m
to the forest
15 km
to the city
100 km
to the sea
1 km
to the station or stop
100 km
to the airport
2 km
Grocery stores
20 km
Catering establishments
Perhaps, like many people today, You greatly appreciate the opportunities when you can run away from problems and relax? Imagine how wonderful is to spend a day or an entire weekend surrounded with friends in the historic homestead on the banks of the river, where a water mill operated since 1851, and which is surrounded by a marvellous scenery: dense forest, a huge pond and river. This is not an ordinary rural tourism homestead, but a unique place where you can try the real bath according to ancient traditions with authentic bath rituals carried out by a professional bath attendant. "Angels mill" homestead is a great place for a family to celebrate occasions and corporate events (seminars, banquets and so on). A spacious ancient banquet hall with all necessary video and audio equipment, which can accommodate up to 60 people. "Angels mill" homestead can organize even multiple-day events, as here for your convenience we offer 10 rooms with 27 ​​sleeping places for accommodation of you and your guest. Or maybe you are interested in active rest? At the homestead "Angels mill" you can enjoy water hiking on kayaks, fishing pikes, organizing bicycle tours around Varniai Regional Park and visit the old churches, mounds and museums. It is possible to reside both in rooms and tents in the camp. The homestead "Angels mill" is situated in Telsiai area, Varniai regional park, in Kulys Dauba village. We are happy to invite you to come on a tour in the mill built in 1851. We will familiarize you with grain milling process of the nineteenth century and we will offer you natural herbal tea. After the tour you can bake sausages and organize games with friends in the open air. If you would like to relax at the lake, rent sauna, or to organize an event in our homestead, please contact us: tel. +370 650 98888 or via e-mail. info@angelu-malunas.lt. VISIT ANGELS' MILL!