
Homestead "Miško gryčia"

LCTA assessment
Homestead comfort level
It marks the qualification (comfort) categories of rural tourism homesteads. They are provided by the Association Council to their members providing rural recreation and rural tourism services, taking into account the level of  farmstead installation and provision of rural recreation services. All the homesteads of the members of the Association are divided into 5 categories, giving them one-, two-, three-, four- and five-stork signs. These categories of comfort are determined according to the classification requirements approved by the Association Council.
Study Leisure
Quiet rest
Relax with the family
Culinary heritage
Fun at the farmstead
Outside pool
Basketball court
Possibility to pick berries
Possibility to pick mushrooms
Homestead Advantages
Pets are allowed
Wireless Internet
Breakfast service
Catering service
Possibility to wash clothes
Hot tub
Lithuanian sauna
Area lighting
Table games
Camping Advantages
Tables and benches
Prevailing grass soil
Hosts speak
Hosts live in the same farmstead
The homestead was found in 2024 m.
Became a member of LCTA: 2025 m.
Places for tents
Separate shower cabins
Sleeping places