
Sauna house

From 100 €
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Pirties programa Vyrams: “Oi gerai, gerai”
Culinary heritage dishes
SM OKED MEAT PRODUCTS AND POTATO PIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Activities: getting acquainted with the history of potato pies and smoked meat products, active participation in the production process, visiting the meat smokehouse (from which the meat is taken out), tasting meat, potatoes peeling and grating, potato pie dough cooking, baking, tasting. Duration 1-1.5 hours approx. The educations are being held in Russian, English, Lithuanian. Seasonality:...
Pantoninis plaustas
Seven senses sauna steam with a guide
The spirit of the sauna invites everyone who wants to come to the sauna of seven senses together with family or friends! The exclusive "Septyniai põjučių" sauna awaits you with wellness procedures and holistic therapeutic practices:   To maintain a good mood and well-being; To cleanse the body and soul; To raise internal energy; To strengthen immunity; To balance emotions; To calm your mind; To restore internal harmony and...
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