
How it started

We started the forest trail (E11) project in 2020 in the Interreg Latvia-Lithuania program. More about this:

Development of Forest trail in Latvia and Lithuania and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in Lithuania

Project duration – 24 months

Start of the project – 2020.06.01

End of the project – 2022.05.31

Project goals:

The project overall objective was to increase number of visitors to the Program area through developing and promoting two joint cross-border nature long distance hiking trails crossing Latvia and Lithuania. Project partners expected at least 5% increase in overnight stays in rural areas within a year after the hiking trails were developed and launched through marketing and promotion activities.

Expected project results

The Forest Trail in Latvia and Lithuania, and The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route in Lithuania was be developed and promoted. Both linked with the existing long distance hiking trails in Latvia and Estonia filling the gap in long distance hiking trail network. Common trail titles and marking systems were used.

The Forest Trail was linked with the Forest Trail Riga-Tallinn which was developed under the Central Baltic program project No. 779 'Long distance cross border hiking trail 'The Forest Trail''. Both trails filled the gap in the E11 route of the European long distance hiking trail network by ERA – European Ramblers’ Association. The total length of the Forest Trail in all three Baltic states is ca 2141km.

The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route starts from LV/LT border and it goes for ca 216 km in Lithuania. The route expanded the present Coastal Hiking Route Tallinn – Riga – Nida village (in LV) that was developed under EST-LAT program project No. 22 'Coastal Hiking Route along the Baltic Sea Coastline in Latvia and Estonia'.  Lithuania was the only gap for the European long distance route E9 now. With Lithuania added, the Baltic Coastal Route now cover all three Baltic states and are ca 1420 km long.

Maps and tourism guides were developed to promote the routes. Information are available also on the route website - https://baltictrails.eu/


Total projects size was 788 104,45 EUR.  Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund was 669 888,76 EUR.

Project partners:

Organization Contacts
Public institution Kaunas Region Development Agency gaila@krda.lt
Lithuanian countryside tourism association prezidentas@atostogoskaime.lt
Samogitian National Park Authority ruta.antanaviciute@zemaitijosnp.lt
Curonian Spit National Park Authority lina.diksaite@nerija.lt
Latvian Country Tourism Association “Lauku Celotajs” asnate@celotajs.lv
Kurzeme planning region aiga.petkevica@kurzemesregions.lv
Kuldīga County Municipality aiga.vanaga@kuldiga.lv

Programme website: www.latlit.eu
Official EU website: www.europa.eu

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Lithuanian Country Tourism Association and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

