
Forest Trail 63. Vaišvydava – Kaunas.

From the Kaunas Lagoon Regional Park Visitor Centre, the Forest Trail leads through the Rokų forest and along the Miškininkų, Kelmyno, Muraškinės, Žarstos, Garšvės and Rokelių streets, circles the Kaunas suburbs, crosses the Marijampolė road (No. 139) and continues in the direction of Balčkalnio street to Panemunė district. At the stadium of Kaunas University of Technology Engineering Lyceum, it descends to Vaidoto street, then continues along the sidewalk to Baterijos highway, where it turns left. About a third of Kaunas city area is occupied by parks and other nature territories. The Forest Trail crosses the city through its greenest parts. About 2.5 km long the Forest Trail passes through the Panemunė pinewood, which has a dense network of trails, recreation areas and a beach. The Forest Trail crosses the Nemunas along the Three Virgin Bridge, leads through Gričiupis district, runs along Kaunas Zoo, crosses the vast Oak-Wood Park (Ąžuolynas) and leads through Vytauto Park behind the Lithuanian Sports University. Down the park stairs, the path descends to the beginning of the Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja) and continues to the destination of the section in Kaunas center.

IMPORTANT. There are no markings where itineraries are crossing the territory of Kaunas city.

Practical information

Length: 19 km

Duration: 5 – 7 h

Starting point: Vaišvydava, Kaunas Lagoon Regional Park Visitor Center

End point: Kaunas center, Church of St. Michael the Archangel on Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja).

The course of the route: Vaišvydava – Panemunė pinewood – Three Virgin Bridge – Oak-Wood Park (Ąžuolynas) – Vytauto Park – Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja).

Road surface: asphalt, asphalted or paved sidewalks, asphalted or gravel park paths, in a small section – forest trail, stairs.

Difficulty: Easy

Danger points: Be careful when walking along the side of the road and crossing streets!


Panemunė pinewood (Panemunės šilas), surrounded by the wide circle of the Nemunas river, is the third oldest park in Lithuania and is built in a natural forest. During the interwar period, the resort operated in the Panemunė pinewood. Its sanatoriums and wooden villas were used by the wealthy inhabitants of Kaunas. The park is permeated by a network of asphalt and natural trails and paths. The left bank of the Nemunas and the river valley in the park create a wide perspective of the terrain. In the park, dry pine forests alternate with deciduous forest areas, but on the banks of the Nemunas valley, there grow protected sloping forests, which contain old trees, including oaks. The park has a 4.6–5.6 km long nature trail with informative signs. The sandy beach of the Nemunas is a favourite place for city holidaymakers during the season.

Tourism information:

  •     Kaunas Tourism Information Center

Address: Laisvės Avenue 36, Kaunas; Phone: +370 61623828; Website: https://visit.kaunas.lt/en/

More information about the route (accommodation, catering, shops, map, GPX coordinates) - https://baltictrails.eu/en/forest/day/140
