EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: ”Potato buns of Dzukija“ and ” Buckwheat path from sowing to lunch “
Activities: listening to the stories about buckwheat, buckwheat babka and tea tasting. If spring – buckwheat seeding, if autumn - cutting. Then threshing, binding, grinding of grain, sifting of flour, kneading of buckwheat dough, baking, tasting.
Preparation of potato buns. Potatoes peeling, grating, forming a bun, putting into the oven....
“It’s better to try it once than to hear about it a hundred times”! – is the most appropriate saying for this diversion.
We invite you to spend an evening in the Lithuanian sauna, otherwise also called the Baltic steam sauna. Professional bathhouse attendants Aušra and Edvinas – from “Pirties ratas” – will shatter all the myths about sauna baths and will turn even the biggest sauna-bath dislikers into the fans of this...