Activities: getting acquainted with wine traditions and its types, tasting.
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, English
Duration 1–2 hours
Seasonality: all year round
The events are being held in Luksiai Cultural Centre - Zypliai Manor House, Tubeliai village, Luksiai eldership, Sakiai district.
Activities: getting acquainted with the history of mead, drinks, dishes, production facilities, tasting.
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian and English.
Seasonality: all year round.
The mead educational and tasting programs include groups of visitors of at least 8 people not younger than 20 years old.
Activities: the story about the Karaims, traditions, kibinas production. It is shown how the kibinas is produced. Tasting.
Duration: 1 hour
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Polish.
Activities: getting acquainted with Tatar dishes, their history, cooking, tasting feast.
Duration of training: depends on the amount of people.
The trainings are being held in Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, English, Turkish, Tatar.
Seasonality: all year round.