
Other entertaimnents
Culinary heritage dishes
SM OKED MEAT PRODUCTS AND POTATO PIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Activities: getting acquainted with the history of potato pies and smoked meat products, active participation in the production process, visiting the meat smokehouse (from which the meat is taken out), tasting meat, potatoes peeling and grating, potato pie dough cooking, baking, tasting. Duration 1-1.5 hours approx. The educations are being held in Russian, English, Lithuanian. Seasonality:...
Goat cheeses programs
“Educational Session – Showing Cheese Production” and “Tasting Seven Types of Goat Milk Cheeses”. The housewife organizes a one-hour excursion, where you will get acquainted with goat farm and cheese. Activities: excursion to the goat farm, cheese making lesson, tasting. Duration: 1 hour or depends on the program. Languages: Russian, Lithuanian, German. Seasonality: all year round.
Edukacinė - sveikatingumo pirtis
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