Mokyklos g. 2-2, Veiviržėnai, LT-96272 Klaipėdos r.
, 21.595790
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Other entertaimnents
The Fish Way
Activities: story about activity, getting acquainted with the fish traditions of the Rusne region, demonstration of the smoking process, fish tasting.
The duration of the educational training depends on the needs of the groups (education, demonstration of the process takes 30-40 minutes), fish tasting.
Foreign language - Lithuanian.
Seasonality: May-November
Activities: getting acquainted with the history of mead, drinks, dishes, production facilities, tasting.
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian and English.
Seasonality: all year round.
The mead educational and tasting programs include groups of visitors of at least 8 people not younger than 20 years old.