
Plaukimas plaustais

Other entertaimnents
Buckwheat dishes
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: ”Potato buns of Dzukija“ and ” Buckwheat path from sowing to lunch “ Activities: listening to the stories about buckwheat, buckwheat babka and tea tasting. If spring – buckwheat seeding, if autumn - cutting. Then threshing, binding, grinding of grain, sifting of flour, kneading of buckwheat dough, baking, tasting. Preparation of potato buns. Potatoes peeling, grating, forming a bun, putting into the oven....
Sala "Žvejų rojus"
Bike tours and hiking tours in Dzukija National Park
Bike tours and treking in Dzukija National Park Vacation villa "Dzukijos uoga" organize bicycle tours and trekking  in Dzukija National Park and Druskininkai surroundings.  Bike tours are organized both for groups and individually. We can also arrange bicycle rentals for our tours. Please find some more  information about cycling tours in Dzukija region and contact us directly here: Lithuania attractions >> ...
The Birth of a Local Cheese
Activities: getting acquainted with Sakiai region traditions, cheese types, cooking, tasting. Duration of the program is 2 hours approx. Languages: Lithuanian, Russian Seasonality: all year round
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