Kaunas is the second largest city in Lithuania. The 1621 m long Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja) stands out for its unique modernist architecture – its 1914–1940 buildings has received the European Heritage Label. Vilniaus street is the “gateway” to the medieval city of Kaunas, run by Hanseatic merchants. The Forest Trail runs along Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja), crosses the Old Town of Kaunas with churches, the Town Hall Square and historical buildings, and throws a circle along Confluence Park (Santakos parkas), where Lithuania's largest rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, meet. After crossing the Neris river, the Forest Trail continues along the footpaths and bicycle paths to the 4 km distant former Lampėdis gravel quarry, which is flooded and now is a popular place for recreation and swimming.
IMPORTANT. There are no markings where itineraries are crossing the territory of Kaunas city.
Practical information
Length: 9 km
Duration: 2 – 3 h
Starting point: Kaunas center, Church of St. Michael the Archangel on Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja)
End point: Lampėdis quarry, Kaunas camping
The course of the route: Avenue of Freedom (Laisvės Alėja) – Vilniaus street – Town Hall – Confluence Park (Santakos parkas) – P .Vileišio bridge – Brastos street – Raudondvario avenue – Lampėdis quarry
Road surface: asphalt or paved footpaths, pedestrian – bicycle paths.
Difficulty: Easy
Good to know! Kaunas is an important transport hub with a wide range of public transport options.
Alternatives: This day is worth dedicating to discover the most important sights of Kaunas. You can rent a bike or an electric scooter in Kaunas to easily explore the city centre.
The beginning of the Neris river can be found in Belarus, where the name of the river is Vilija. The Neris is the second longest river in Lithuania. It flows through the two largest Lithuanian cities, Vilnius and Kaunas, and bends around the ancient Lithuanian medieval capital Kernavė. Near Kaunas, it flows into the Nemunas river. The confluence of both rivers has been a strategically important point, therefore Kaunas Castle was built on this site and Kaunas Old Town is located nearby. It is believed that the name of the river is associated with the Lithuanian word nerti, which means to dive.
Tourism information:
- Kaunas Tourism Information Center
Address: Laisvės Avenue 36, Kaunas; Phone: +370 61623828; Website: https://visit.kaunas.lt/en/
More information about the route (accommodation, catering, shops, map, GPX coordinates) - https://baltictrails.eu/en/forest/day/141